
Graduate Student Instructor (UC Berkeley)

  • International Trade (UGBA 118). Professor: Matilde Bombardini, Spring 2021. Evaluations: 5.6/7.0

  • Industrial Organization and Public Policy (ECON 121). Professor: Daniel P. O'Brien, Spring 2020. Evaluations: 4.8/7.0

  • International Trade (ECON C181). Professor: Andres Rodriguez-Clare, Spring 2019. Evaluations: 5.7/7.0

  • Game Theory for Social Science (ECON C110). Professor: Andrew Little, Fall 2017. Evaluations: 4.8/7.0

Grader (UC Berkeley)

  • Applied Econometrics (ECON 244, graduate course). Professors: Christopher Walters, Patrick Kline, Fall 2021.


  • Higher School of Economics: Teaching Assistant for International Trade. Professor: Eren Arbatli, Fall 2015.

  • HSE Lyceum: Teacher of Economics for High-School Students, Spring 2016.